Bringing a Sibling Home.

So, first off, congratulations! You’ve either just welcomed a new baby into the house, or you’re about to

shortly. What wonderful news!'

And congratulations once again on getting your older baby sleeping soundly through the night, and

taking long, rejuvenating naps during the day! Look at you, absolutely killing it at this parenting thing!

But now you’re concerned that this new arrival might upend all of the hard work you and your little one

have done to develop those independent sleep skills and get them sleeping on a consistent, predictable


Well, it’s not often I’m able to give such a definitive answer to any kind of pediatric, sleep-related

question, but in this case, I can pretty confidently tell you that... yeah. You are more than likely in for a


Purchase a gift that the baby gives the older child when the older child meets baby for the first time.

I’m not saying it’s 100% for certain, but bringing a new baby into the house is very likely to impact your

older child’s sleep habits in one way or another, and there are two big reasons why.

1. Your newborn is going to wake up numerous times a night and make some noise, which is

likely to wake up your toddler.

2. Your toddler’s going to be jealous of the new baby.

So let’s look at number one first. There’s going to be a noise factor when your newborn wakes up crying

for nighttime feeds.

Have your toddler in their own, in a cot, preferably down a hallway as far away as possible from your

newborn’s sleeping area.

A white noise machine can also help to drown out the noise. I actually prefer brown noise. Just make

sure to keep the volume level under 60 dBA, and have it in between the cot and the door.

Depending on their age and comprehension skills, it’s also a great idea to just have a conversation with

your toddler about the fact that their sibling is going to wake up crying in the night sometimes, and let

them know it’s nothing to worry about and just go back to sleep.

Unless you’ are exceptionally lucky, your toddler is going to get jealous of their sibling. After all,

newborns require a lot of attention, attention which was all directed at your toddler up until their brother

or sister came along.

Jealousy is likely going to cause a regression, prompting your toddler to crave the comforts they enjoyed

when they were the new kid on the block. Such as...

  • More requests for cuddles

  • If they’re in a big kid bed, they may ask to go back into the crib

  • They might want to sleep in your bed or in your room

  • Neediness and clinginess during the bedtime routine

The most common reason this can affect sleep is because one or both of the parents start feeling guilty

about the fact that they don’t have the time and energy to dedicate to both children, so they try to

compensate by making concessions, and those concessions frequently show up around bedtime. Extra

stories, longer cuddles, getting into bed with them, and so on.

Let me just say, I get it. Parental guilt is a powerful motivator, and we will do almost anything to ensure

our kids know that they are loved and secure. If a couple of extra stories at bedtime will help ensure our

babies that they’re still #1 in our hearts, why wouldn’t we accommodate them?

Kids of this age test boundaries almost incessantly, but they don’t test them in the hopes that they are

moved, they test them to ensure that they are still in place. It gives them a sense of security to know that

the rules and expectations surrounding them are constant and predictable.

I know it doesn’t feel that way sometimes, but I can assure you that the more you give in to those

demands, the more they will ask for. It often gets to the point where your toddler feels like they are

running the show, and that can actually be very distressing for them. They feel much more secure and

relaxed with the confidence that their parents are in control.

So if and when this situation comes up, I would recommend that you keep everything around bedtime

exactly as it was before the new baby showed up. Same bedtime, same bedtime routine, same number

of stories, same sleeping conditions. If you start moving boundaries, it’s only going to reinforce your

toddler’s suspicion that things have changed, and that’s likely to bring on more insecurity.

During the day, however, I would suggest carving out a chunk of time reserved just for your toddler 1:1,

particularly with mum. It doesn’t have to be long, even 20 - 30 minutes is great, but make sure that your

attention is focused solely on them. Let them decide what they want to do with the time, and feel free to

just smother them with love and attention. This “you-and-me” time works wonders in reassuring your

older child that they’re still at the center of your universe, even if they’re sometimes sharing the space

with someone else.

Also, try not to use the baby as an excuse when your older child ask something of you, for example you

are feeding the baby and your older child asks for something and you can’t do that right away, think of a

great distracting sentence to get you through the feed and do what they have asked, try not to say, I can’t

because I am feeding the baby.

Remember, when that sense of guilt starts to creep in, you’re not being a bad parent by refusing to bend

to your toddler’s will. You’re doing what’s best for them, and staying firm and sticking to the rules is the

secret to a happy, secure, firmly-attached child, even if your gut tells you otherwise in the moment.

Making those tough calls for the good of your kids is what being an awesome parent is all about.


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